Search Results for: debt

REITs: Pros and Cons to Real Estate Investment Trusts

REITs: Pros and Cons to Real Estate Investment Trusts

Real estate investing is one way to accelerate your journey to financial freedom. Oftentimes, people associate real estate investing with flipping houses or owning rental properties. But, if that type of investing isn’t for you, don’t dismiss real estate entirely. Instead, real estate investment trusts…

What to do About Housing After a Divorce or Breakup?
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What to do About Housing After a Divorce or Breakup?

You are going through a divorce or your long-term relationship is ending, and you’re soon facing moving out of your current home. But you’re not sure if you should purchase a house, lease an apartment, move in with friends, or go back and live with…

Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement (Prenup)?
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Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement (Prenup)?

When hearing the mention of the word prenup, most people express serious reservations about getting one. Common arguments against them include: “A prenup is for people who can’t, or won’t commit.” “It’s like rooting against your marriage.” [playht_player width=”100%” height=”175″ voice=”en-US_LisaV3Voice”] While it’s true not…

Is Graduating from College in 3 Years Good to Do?

Is Graduating from College in 3 Years Good to Do?

It’s no surprise people are looking at alternatives to traditional four-year undergraduate degree programs. One popular option is graduating from college in three years to avoid the significant costs of a fourth year. According to the College Board, average public in-state tuition runs about $10,000…

Is Peer-To-Peer Lending a Good Way To Make Money?

Is Peer-To-Peer Lending a Good Way To Make Money?

Are you tired of lackluster interest rates? Concerned about the record highs of the stock market? Searching for an easy way to diversify your portfolio into alternative investments and achieve solid returns? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then peer-to-peer lending may…



Laura Gariepy is a team member of Women Who Money and the founder and blogger behind Every Day by the Lake. Laura helps busy entrepreneurs engage with their target market by creating high-quality, custom-written content for their business.  She also helps professionals interested in self-employment…